Data from Indonesian Demography and Health Survey (SDKI) and the Unicef showed teenage marriages are still rampant. Data from SDKI mentioned 12.8 percent of girls between 15 – 19 years old are married while the Unicef noted over 1/6 daughters get married before they became adults (<18 years old).
The National Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) tries to increase the age of marriage among girls with the GenRe programme.
Generasi Berencana (GenRe) is a programme to prepare family life for young people. The target is single youths aged 10-24, unmarried students, family that has adolescents, and community that cares about the young people.
GenRe gives information and promotion on reproductive health, for instance, no early marriage, no sex before marriage, no drugs, life skills or personal concept development, family planning, demography and family building.
Nasrul Haq, S.Sos., MPA, State Administration lecturer from Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, said generation planning studies is a trending topic with the main focus being on demography studies.
“Remembering that adolescents are pioneers of the future, one of the efforts to tackle existing problems is by making programme that is coming down to the roots,” said Nasrul Haq delivering his research in a monthly seminar at UGM Centre for Demography and Policy Studies on Thursday (8/9).
Describing the research entitled Intersectoral Collaboration in Generation Planning in Makassar, Nasrul Haq said the intersectoral collaboration issue is an interesting study in state administration studies, policy studies, and public management studies. It shows how government works are not just done by government actors, but they try to expand externally.
“It gives opportunity to the society and non-government sides to carry out government works,” he said.