Special Advisor to Foreign Affairs Minister, Djauhari Oratmangun, said the young generation became key to the future of ASEAN in the ASEAN Economic Society. The young entrepreneurs will become the footing that generates ASEAN economy.
“The future of ASEAN lies in the hands of the young generation,” he said in a press conference of ASEAN Young Social Preneurs Program (AYSPP) 2017 in the Senate Hall UGM on Saturday (16/9).
According to Oratmangun, ASEAN has the benefit of having productive young generation. They are expected to not only generate the economy by creating new business but also contribute to problem solving in society and empower society through social business.
Oratmangun gave a general lecture to students of UGM as well as 20 teams of young entrepreneurs that passed to the semifinal of AYSPP 2017 competition. The lecture is part of series of AYSPP 2017 events that is expected to give insight and knowledge to the students and encourage the young generation to build social business that has impact on society.
Similarly, UGM Vice-Rector for Education, Learning and Student Affairs, Prof.Dr.Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr., said he was hoping the young generation would be able to contribute to building the ASEAN development.
“The young generation is expected to collaborate and produce new ideas, especially to build ASEAN,” he said.
Also attending the event were Head of Matsuhita Gobel, Jusman Syafii Jamal, who opened the social entrepreneurship workshop session, also practitioners, such as Hermant Chanrai, CEO of Eight Four Capital, Nicholas Chan, young entrepreneur in maritime technology from Singapore, Susi Lie, Head of Investment of Anak Bangsa Foundation, etc.