The increasing activities run by Faculty of Economics and Business UGM to conduct education, research, and community service have raised awareness that external parties engagement is needed to help the Faculty become the best economics and business education institution. Thus, collaboration with other parties absolutely needs to be done. Since January – August 2017 there have been 55 new collaborations already being made.
“Collaborations made by Faculty of Economics and Business UGM is increasing from year to year. From January to August 2017, there are 17 research agreements, 11 academic agreements, and 6 training agreements,” said Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D in the Auditorium of Sukadji Ranuwihardjo, of the Faculty of Tuesday (19/9) during the celebration of 62nd anniversary of the Faculty.
Submitting Dean’s report of 2017 themed Response to Global Challenge with Local Wisdom, Eko Suwardi said the Faculty is consistent with the UGM jargon, locally rooted, globally respected.
“Besides, we are also consistent with the establishment history of UGM, which was to serve to the interest of the society by educating nation’s leaders to have integrity, be knowledgeable, whilst developing science by conducting quality research, education, and learning,” he said.
The Dean reported that all study programme of the Faculty had received ‘A’ ranking by National Accreditation Agency (BAN-PT), also the Magister Management study programme in the Jakarta campus. Accounting and Economics study programme have been internationally accredited by AUN-QA. This seems to have attracted the interest of high school students to continue their education at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM. Ratio of student candidates and applicants currently is 1:74.
“In total, applicants to regular course through written test selection account for 26,174 people, of which 358 have been admitted. This showed that Faculty of Economics and Business UGM is widely known as a high quality educational institution,” he said.
In terms of quality, there is a significant increase in the number of students of International Undergraduate Programme (IUP) year 2017/ 2018. Their lowest TOEFL score for this year’s intake is 530 (formerly 493) with average scores of TOEFL 571 (formerly 559) and lowest GMST score 442 (formerly 398) with average scores 553.
After the Dean’s report, scientific remarks were delivered by Prof. Dr. Suwardjono, M.Sc. According to Suwardjono, it is time for accounting to be equalised with other branch of learning, discipline, or study, such as biology, sociology, philosophy, psychology, mathematics, phyiscs and economics.