Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada celebrated its 62nd birthday on September 19, 2017. Several events were held to celebrate the anniversary, including ceremony and scientific speech, gathering, alumni meeting, as well as house visit to the retired lecturers and staff.
The house visit is an annual agenda held by Faculty of Biology UGM. This year, the team which was coordinated by Drs. Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto, M.Kes., Nurpuji Mumpuni (Head of Women Association, Faculty of Biology UGM), S.Si., M.Sc., and Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si., M.Sc. visited 30 retired lecturers and staff from Faculty of Biology UGM. The team was divided into six groups and conducted house visit for two days which was from September 12 until 13, 2017. This event was attended by as many as 18 lecturers, staff, and the members of Women Association of Faculty of Biology UGM.
One of the lecturers who was visited in this event was Prof. Langkah Sembiring, M.Sc., Ph.D. The condition of Prof. Sembiring has improved rapidly after suffering stroke for almost two years. Most of the retired lecturers and staff who were visited by the team were healthy, however, several seniors of this faculty are sick, including Prof. Djalal Tandjung, Drs. Suharno, S.U., Dra. Munthi Susarsi Sabbitah, Dra. Tri Suharni, and Pardiya.
Secretary of the visiting team, Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si., M.Sc. said this event can become a reminder for us who are still healthy to always be grateful to God. In addition, according to Dwi, this event is able to strengthen the relations between the faculty and the seniors. In line with Dwi’s statement, Soenarwan Hery P., S.Si., M.Kes., as the team leader also said this program is an event to maintain the sense of being family.
“This visit is a form of attention from Faculty of Biology towards the retired lecturers and staff who are suffering from illnesses,” said Hery.