Muslim intellectual, Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat, said Indonesia’s diversity is a blessing from God. Komaruddin said the people of Indonesia can live harmoniously and unitedly across the archipelago whilst having diverse ethnic groups and cultures. They can live together because of their common goal. “This nation is our common home. It’s not possible to live in a home without the bond of nationalism, which is Pancasila. What makes us unified is our common goal which is stated in the ideology of Pancasila,” said Komaruddin in a general lecture in front of some 3,767 new students of graduate programme on Monday (25/9) in Grha Sabha Pramana.
The former Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta assessed that the history of Indonesia’s establishment is a wonder to happen in a country with such major differences. The Middle East, for example, that has one language and religion even has to face disintegration. So, anyone here that holds the national leadership ought to be able to guard and sustain diversity. “It’s because Indonesia is built from diversity as its main asset,” he said.
If there are still anti-diversity groups, according to Komaruddin, such groups still remain utopian and tyrant. Such groups will face against not only the state but also religious leaders that have until today founded the country. “Those that have big shares in building the nation are religious leaders who have historically helped build this republic,” he said.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., in his remarks congratulated the new students, expecting them to also sustain the diversity in unity spirit. Recently, he said, nationalism issues had emerged. “This should have not become a polemic after the 72nd anniversary of Indonesian independence. If this issue has been resolved, we can accelerate national developments,” he said.
Chair of UGM Board of Trustees also State Secretary, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc., said the new graduate students ought to be proud to being admitted at UGM, one of the country’s best universities. But, Minister Pratikno said, UGM not only became the campus that strives to be a world class university through rankings but one that is deeply rooted in society through education, research, and community service. “So, we build socioentreprenuership spirit to be able to resolve problems multi and trans-disciplinarily,” he said.
For your information, UGM graduate programme admits new students through two intakes. This time it receives 3,767 people with international students coming from 12 states in Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa.