UGM’s Centre for Occupational Security, Safety, Health and Environment (PK4L) do preventive measures and enhancement training with the Yogyakarta naval base from 25-27 September 2017 in the Wanagama UGM forest, Gunungkidul regency. UGM Vice-Rector for Human Resource and Asset, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Agus Kironoto, symbolically released the 36 staff that will do the training on Monday (25/9) in Balairung UGM.
Head of Security and Order of UGM, Al Nur Sulistyo, said the measures were taken to prepare alertness. The training is aimed at increasing the capacity and alertness of the personnel in carrying out their duties, which are asset security, security monitoring, order, occupational safety and health as well as UGM campus protection. In his opinion, the alert condition has always to prevail in order to safeguard asset security, security monitoring, order, occupational safety and health as well as campus protection. “Alertness improvement can be done through training for personnel capacity enhancement,” Nur said.
Officer from the Yogyakarta naval base, Lt. Col. Siswo Widodo, S.T., in his remarks asked the participants to do the training joyfully. He hoped they would be able to absorp the training well, After the training, Siswo said, the naval base will guide the personnel further in their work.
“Hopefully, the participants can learn from the materials given in the training to be applied at UGM in line with their job description,” he said.
Prof. Bambang explained the training was on material enhancement for the personnel to be able to secure the UGM better. There will be on and off class on investigation and intelligence technique, discipline, and physical ability. “Security cannot be done by the personnel alone but also students, teaching and non-teaching staff, and all elements of UGM,” he added.