In its 71st anniversary, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM continues to be the role model for pharmaceutical institutions by making improvements and services in education and administration.
Therefore, academic year 2017/2018 that marks the start of curriculum 2017, for undergraduate (S1) programme, Learning Outcomes based education has been implemented that leads to the profession of pharmacist. This curriculum has the characteristics of soft skills integration that is a renewal of learning and assesment methods.
Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, Prof. Dr. Agung Endro Nugroho, M.Si., Apt., said the new curriculum that integrates extracurricular activities into the curriculum worth 4 credits, description of global competence 7 credits to be done in co-curricular activities in 7 semesters as well as 4 credits that support inter-professional education in the form of interdisciplinary course.
“Curriculum 2017 is designed to support student mobility as part of student global competence enrichment,” said the Dean in Auditorium of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM on Wednesday (27/9) during the anniversary celebration.
According to the Dean, year 2017 became the utilisation optimalisation of Information System and Technology in academic implementation across all of the study programme. Some courses have also utilised e-learning facilities in interactive learning proces. Some exams and graduating paper that involve international examiners and lecturers are already up and running that make use of available information technology facilities.
To improve the rate of graduation, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM has provided computer laboratory for the Indonesian Pharmacists Competence Examination (UKAI) which is a Computer Based Test (CBT). The CBT Laboratory is one of a few CBT laboratories owned by Indonesian universities.
“Going forward, we have to prepare facilities and infrastructure to support OSCE examination for pharmacy students. In terms of asset development, the Faculty has been selected as one of recipients of JICA aid from Japan in 2018-2021. The aid will be allocated for refurbishment of building and learning facilities as well as Advanced Pharmaceutical Science Laboratory,” he said in the Dean’s Report.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., who attended the event hoped the Faculty of Pharmacy would contribute more to UGM and the nation.
“We’re proud of the achievements that have been made by Faculty of Pharmacy and its contribution for UGM vision and dmission. Without your support and achievement, UGM would not make great achievements as it has now,” he said,
The Rector was thankful that with the support from Faculty of Pharmacy and other faculties, in 2017 UGM was named the best university in Indonesia. Along with Institut Teknologi Bandung and Universitas Indonesia, UGM has entered into World 500 Universities.
“When it was announced by Times Higher Education earlier this month, only three universities in Indonesia got into the prestigious world ranking,” he added.