The Indonesian government has committed to solving the conflict in Rakhine, Myanmar. On September 4, 2017, Indonesia brought peace mission team to Myanmar which was dispatched by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, who proposes Formula 4+1.
“This proposal aims to protect all people in Rakhine, Myanmar,” said expert staff of Inter-agency Relation Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Salman Al Farisi, on Thursday (28/9) in a monthly discussion entitled Updates from Myanmar at Centre for Population and Policy Studies UGM.
The four formulas proposed by Indonesia are restoring peace and stability, maximum restraint and non-violence movement, protection for all people in Rakhine, as well as open access to humanitarian work. Meanwhile, another element is implementing a recommendation from Advisory Commission for Rakhine by former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan.
Salman Al Farisi said Indonesia also launches a humanitarian program for sustainable community (HASCO) and assignment of support commitment from 11 community organizations which are incorporated in AKIM on August 31, 2017. The humanitarian support for Myanmar is realized by delivering containers and establishing a school in Sittwe. In addition, they plan a triangular cooperation with Myanmar.
“We also plan to build health facilities in Myaung Bywe, Marukh U, Rakhine,” he added.
They also gave humanity support to the refugees of Rohingya in the Myanmar-Bangladesh border and Rakhine in September 2017. Previously, they had conducted an interfaith dialogue between Indonesia and Myanmar in Jakarta and Yogyakarta in May 2017.
“No one can guarantee that the conflict in Rakhine can be resolved as soon as possible. Therefore, it needs to be dealt on an ongoing basis,” said Salman.