Series of events to celebrate UGM’s 68th anniversary is officially opened by UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng. on Friday (29/9) at Balairung UGM. The sound of various traditional musical instruments marks the opening of this celebration.
The opening was enlivened by gymnastic which was attended by the leaders of the university and faculties, lecturers, non-teaching staff, and students, as well as the performance of Reog Ponorogo (traditional art performance from Ponorogo, East Java Province). As a form of concern for environment, UGM Rector, the leaders of the boards of trustees, academic senate, and board of professors released various species of birds, including pentet (Lanius schach), suren starling (Gracupica contra), kepodang (Oriolus chinensis), anis merah (Geokichla erythronota), and kacer (Copsychus saularis).
Dr. Harry Supriyono, S.H., M.Si, the Head of the committee said UGM’s 68th anniversary raised Together with UGM Defending the Nation as its theme. Through this theme, UGM aims to emphasize its position as an educational institution that always implements the values of nationalism.
“This theme becomes a reminder for us to always implement the values of nationalism through science, technology, and cultures based on principles of equality, justice, and respect for all forms of national diversity,” said Harry.
Harry Supriyono said several events will be held to celebrate UGM’s 68th anniversary, including seminar, workshop, Gama Fair, UGM Expo, Indonesian Industry Research Forum (IIRF), sports festival, social activity, cultural festival and UGM Award, as well as the peak of UGM’s 68th anniversary.
According to Harry, Gama Fair will be held from November 24 until 26, 2017, at Pancasila Field, Grha Sabha Pramana, Bulaksumur UGM. This event is a festival for UGM students who come from outside Yogyakarta by performing their hometown’s cultures.
“The main stage of Gama Fair will be enlivened by the famous as well as local music groups. In addition, there will be various traditional arts performance from throughout Indonesia,” he added.
On the other hand, UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng. said Together with UGM Defending the Nation is the right theme for celebrating UGM’s 68th anniversary because it is suitable with the identity of UGM as the national university, Pancasila University, populist university, and the center of cultures.
“Currently, Indonesia has a little disturbance in its nationality. Therefore, UGM keeps maintaining the unity of the nation by implementing the values of Pancasila and Constitution in daily life,” said Panut.
Through various efforts done by UGM and many parties, Indonesia is expected to keep strengthening and achieving prosperity. All this while, UGM has a significant role in maintaining the national integrity.