Universitas Gadjah Mada became the host of National Conference 2017 entitle Maintaining Unity in Diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) and Strengthening Nationality. The event was a program from Presidential Advisory Board which involved various parties including academician, practitioners, analysts, businessmen, professional association, students, non-governmental organization, artists, journalist, and society to discuss various issues. The discussed topic was a topic that became the development priority as well as the actual problem. Several figures who attended the event were Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Prof. Anhar Gonggong, Prof. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D,Eng., (UGM Rector), Sidarto Danusubroto (Member of Presidential Advisory Board), Prof. Dr. R.M. Gunawan Soemodiningrat, M.Ec., Prof. Dr. Paschalis Maria Laksono, M.A., dan the other keynote speakers. The National Conference 2017 was held on Saturday (30/9) at Senate Hall UGM.
The event discussed 12 conference subjects regarding the development and national issues that are required special attention and will be proposed as a repairmen material as well as an advancement for the next two years.
In the occasion, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X said Unity in Diversity should become the national strategy. According to Sultan, all ethnicities have the same opportunity in dominating this nation, for example, if people from other ethnics live in Yogyakarta, they may speak in Javanese, however, it does not mean they become Javanese ethnic.
On the other hand, UGM Rector, Prof. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng. said the effort to strengthen Unity in Diversity can also be done starting from the university. He presented how Unity in Diversity is learned by the students through Pancasila and nationality courses.
The efforts to strengthen Unity in Diversity have been started since new students’ orientation program. Through the orientation, new students are given education regarding Pancasila, diversity, and nationality. Aside from those efforts, UGM Rector also has given referrals to the lecturers for always inserting Pancasila and nationality education in their lectures.
“Through those efforts, the students are expected to be proud of Indonesia, proud of the diversity, therefore, they can become one,” said Panut.