Remote sensing and information system study programme in UGM Vocational School collaborating with Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) has run national orienteering competition called as Badan Informasi Geospasial Indonesian Student Orienteering Competition (BIG ISOC) 2017, for high school students.
Orienteering is a cross-country run where participants need to finish the track in the control point that has been assigned, using navigation tools in the form of maps and compass. BIG ISOC 2017 runs from 9-10 September 2017. Opened in in Merapi Auditorium, Faculty of Geography UGM, it went on to Labyrinth Orienteering in Grha Sabha Pramana courtyard, and Middle Distance Orienteering in the river of Kedungmiri, Imogiri district, Bantul regency.
The BIG ISOC 2017 event was opened by Drs. Adi Rusmanto, M.T. Head of Geospatial Information Infrastructure from BIG. Koesworo chairman of National Orienteering Federation (FONI) became the independent jury in the competition.
The event also organised a seminar themed Map Use in Analysis of City Potential, delivered by Dr. Priyadi Kardono, M.Sc., former Head of BIG period of 2014-2016. It was followed with a seminar themed Geospatial Information Technology by Dr Taufik Hery Purwanto, S.Si., M.Si, Head of Geoscience Technology Department of UGM Vocational School.
Public Relations Officer of BIG ISOC 2017, Riski Choirul Rahmawati, said the event also presented a competition, titled Fun Labyrinth Orienteering for the development of orienteering. The main orienteering competition employs Middle Distance Orienteering using electronic control card and electronic control station of which the evaluation is done through computerisation.
“The orienteering competition is followed by students from high schools and vocational schools from across regions in the country, such as Bekasi, Tangerang, Pati, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo, Kebumen, Magelang, etc,” said Riski on Tuesday (3/10).
The winners of the male’s category competition subsequently were Aji Santoso (SMK N 1 Miri), Agung Nugroho (SMK N 1 Miri), and Muhammad Fahmi Husen (SMA N 4 Tangerang). Female’s category: Dewi Kusuma Wardani (SMK N 1 Miri, Fera Rahmawati (SMK N 1 Miri), and Cinantya Hendra Kartika (SMAN 10 Semarang). The fairplay award was won by Panji Perdana Putra (SMA MTA Surakarta).