To celebrate the 1,285 years of establishment of Kingdom of Medang, Medang Heritage Society in cooperation with Archeology Department in Faculty of Cultural Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada will hold a national seminar themed the Role of Medang Kingdom in the History of Nusantara (Indonesia) on Saturday, 7 October 2017, presenting speakers Prof. Dr. Timbul Harjono, Prof. Dr. Bambang Hidayat, Dr. Niken Wirasanti MSc, Dr. Budiono Santoso., Ph.D, Dra. Ania Nugrahani, Drs, Marsis Sutopo MSi, Drs. JSE. Yuwono., MSc, and Dr. Djoko Dwianto., M.Hum.
Dr. Budiono Santoso, M.Sc, chairperson of Medang Heritage Society, said the seminar was held to understand the role of Medang Kingdom in the history of Nusantara, especially in the development of technology, science, and civilisation of Nusantara.
“This seminar is expected to be able to increase awareness among stakeholders and general public on the importance of protecting and sustaining the heritage of Medang Kingdom,” he said in the Joglo hall of Faculty of Medicine on Thursday (5/10).
Budiono Santoso explained the Medang Kingdom is an ancient kingdom in Central Java existing from the 8th – 11th centuries, founded by Raka I Mataram Sang Ratu Sanjaya on 6 October year 732 AD. The Medang civilisation left archeological traces, especially temples. There are over 150 temples in Central Java and some in East Java, which include the great Borobudur and Prambanan temples that are acknowledged as world heritage by the UNESCO in 1991.
Medang also left many non-physical heritage in different areas that are still relevant and used until today such as social order and government, agricultural and irrigation system, welfare system, architecture and technology, weather prediction, taxation system, etc. So, it is appropriate to say that the era of Medang Kingdom is the beginning of awakening of technology, science and civilisation of Nusantara.
“Unfortunately, the great civilisation of Medang is less known by the current generation that affects the protection and sustainabilty of the heritage,” he said.
Budiono added the Medang Heritage Society is a multi-disciplinary associaton of interested and commited individuals to do scientific study multi-disciplinarily, collect and diseminate information on sustaining the heritage of Medang civilisation. Thus, year 2017 is the momentum to remind and explore the greatness of Medang civilisation and its role in the history of Nusantara.
“Understanding of the greatness of our ancestors is expected to contribute positively to the love for ancestral heritage as well as motivate us to meet future challenges of Indonesian nation, especially related to pluralism and work ethics of discipline and hard work,” he said.