Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and PT. Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk. Agree to build cooperation on finance and banking which is regarding tuition payment service through facility and banking using the host to host service.
This cooperation is realized through the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UGM Vice Rector of Planning and Information System, Dr. Supriyadi, M.Sc., Akt., and Deputy Chief of Transaction Banking of PT. CIMB Niaga, Tbk., Andrew Suhandinata. on Thursday (12/10) at UGM main office. In the occasion, the cooperation agreement regarding tuition payment service using the host to host system starting from 2017 until 2019 is also signed by UGM Director of Finance, Amin Wibowo, M.B.A., Ph.D., and Commercial & Wholesale Funding Head of PT. Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk., Nurracham Sulistyowati Wowor.
Andrew said he is glad to be able to collaborate with UGM. CIMB Niaga Bank has been given the trust to support the fulfillment of banking service demand for the academic community of UGM. He hopes this cooperation can encourage consumer development and also give convenience in paying tuition.
“This cooperation cannot be separated from digitalization process where our bank has to be excellent in this digital era. This cooperation is expected to give many benefits to UGM and CIMB Niaga,” said Andrew.
Supriyadi gives positive response towards this cooperation. According to Supriyadi, the challenges in the future will be more diverse and complex. The digitalization effort done by the Bank is suitable for the program developed by UGM. In the initial stage, UGM main office will implement a cashless transaction in 2018. In the next year all transactions at UGM are expected to be done through online system.
“We will socialize the cooperation with CIMB Niaga Bank towards all members of the faculties and work units at UGM, thus they can support the realization of this cooperation. We hope this cooperation can be well done and strengthened in the future,” said Supriyadi.