Minister of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, Yohana Susana Yembise, declare the establishment of five centres for women’s studies at five universities in Yogyakarta as well as launching the status of Yogyakarta as a city that is woman and child friendly on Friday (13/10) in the University Club UGM. The event was attended by Yogyakarta Vice-Governor, Sri Paduka Paku Alam X, and UGM Vice-Rector for Research and Community Service, Dr. drg. Ika Dewi Ana, and initiator of river campaign for women, Srikandi Sungai Indonesia, Prof. Dr.Suratman,M.Sc.
Minister Yohana said it was time for regional leaders to draw policy on infrastructure and facility construction that is friendly to women and children. “Not all regions have done this, building infrastructure and facility that is friendly toward women and children,” she said.
Attention given to women and children, according to the Minister, was one indicator in the Sustainable Development goals. “If their right and need have been met and free from poverty, this is considered an advanced country,” she said.
According to the Minister, Indonesia has been seen as advanced in terms of increasing women’s role in public sector. “As the largest Muslim country, Indonesia is considered as giving equal role to women openly,” she added.
To the five centres for women’s studies, the Minister asked them to be a centre for studies on the role of women and gender equality that is increasing as had been done by UGM’s Centre for Women’s Studies. “There are still many problems affecting women, especially family problem, and divorce rate is pretty high, most of the one requesting the divorce is the women,” she said.
Prof. Suratman said the movement that he helped initiate was engaging women in managing clean river and encouraging the construction of facility and infrastructure that is woman and child friendly. “This movement is part of the support from the grassroot level as a project in river education,” said the Geography lecturer of UGM.
Vice-Governor, Sri Paduka Paku Alam X, said women’s groups were still left behind in terms of work opportunities, education, and role in strategic policy. He hoped the centres of studies can be the research institutes on women’s issues and gender equality. “The research can be an input for the local government, ministries, and the wider public,” he said.
The universities that declare the centres for women’s studies are: Instiper, Amikom, Universitas Aisyiah, Institut Teknologi Yogyakarta, and Akademi Kesehatan Karya Husada.