Tourism expert from UGM, Dr. Ir. Djoko Wijono, M.Arch., said that operators of Tebing Breksi tourism destination need to improve the infrastructure in order that it can accommodate the need of tourists.
“Whilst everyone exploring tourism spots, other aspects should not be ignored. If this is what we do, disaster will happen instead and the tourism spot becomes unsustainable,” he said on Tuesday (24/10) at UGM Centre for Tourism Studies in a discussion related to facilities and infrastructure management of Sambirejo village in Prambanan district, Sleman regency, which has a number of tourism spots, such as Candi Ijo and Tebing Breksi.
Joko mentioned the essential facilities for visitors or tourists include good access to roads, toilet and clean water.
Tebing Breksi has been introduced to the public since 2015. It attracted just 5 thousand of visitors in 2015, but in 2016 the figure drastically surged to 316 thousand and even higher to over 600 thousand by end of September 2017.
This surge came as a shock to the local people that run the spot. They admitted they were overwhelmed by the demand to provide essential facilities to the visitors.
“We did not expect that people’s enthusiasm was very high and we had to deal with the high number of visitors that have many requirements, too,” said Mujimin, chairman of local tourism group.
He added to develop the tourism spot would require other parties’ engagement, such as government and private companies. He further appreciated UGM Centre for Tourism Studies and Tourism Agency to make mapping of tourism potential and identify infrastructure requirement for future development.
“We have enjoyed the economic impacts of tourism but we also need assistance from UGM because in the future there are many challenges to meet,” he added.
Similarly, the Centre’s researcher, Prof. Dr. M. Baiquni, M.A., said that tourism had indeed brought positive and negative impacts, or tonic and toxic effects.
Despite its potential to drive economic growth, jobs opportunities and creative economy, but tourism may marginalise land assets of the people, increase price of goods, and waste or pollution problems. Therefore, tourism planning and management need to be thought about well.
“The topic on management of facilities and infrastructure in tourism is one of the most important elements if we are to build a tourism village,” said Baiquni.
He commented the natural condition and history of Tebing Breksi are indeed unique and interesting. With good management, this can become a tourism of excellence, too.