Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, Deputy Minister for Energy, Logistics, Regions, and Tourism Business Sector in the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises invites students to synergize with State-Owned Enterprises to develop the nation.
“If we want to realize sustainable development, we need collective efforts from State-Owned Enterprises, government, community as well as students,” said Edwin during the seminar entitled State-Owned Enterprise in Campus which was held on Saturday (28/10) at University Club UGM.
In the occasion, Edwin presented the strategic role of State-Owned Enterprises as the development agent in strengthening the national economy. The existence of 118 State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia, according to Edwin, has been giving various contributions to the nation including encouraging connectivity and competitiveness, giving information access, as well as realizing social and environmental justice. However, there are still many agendas that have to be realized in the near future. Therefore, State-Owned Enterprises needs qualified human resources.
“Through this event, we give comprehension towards academic community regarding the national economic condition and the strategic role of State-Owned Enterprises in giving contribution to the national development as well as bridging the synergy between State-Owned Enterprises and Universities as a professional human resources provider,” said Edwin.
Aside from working in State-Owned Enterprises, the synergy among the students or university graduates can be done through the development of creative enterprises that becomes one of the concerns of State-Owned Enterprises. Therefore, State-Owned Enterprises have established creative houses in as many as 100 regencies which can be utilized by the students who want to become an entrepreneur.
“We give facilities to the students who have creativity by establishing creative houses in 100 regencies as a bridge to develop innovation and creativity,” said the Director of PT. Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, dan Ratu Boko, Edi Setiyono.
Through these facilities, the students are expected to give their creative ideas and innovation to produce useful works for the community.
“I would like to encourage UGM students to produce works that become our capital to develop the national industry. We want the research done in the university can be actualized to strengthen Indonesia as a new industrial nation,” he added.
The importance of the role of universities in the development was also said by Prof. Wihana Kirana Jaya, M.Soc.Sc., Ph.D. as well as the Director of Planning, Investment, and Risk Management of PT. Pertamina, Gigih Prakoso Soewarto.
Wihana said UGM experts have contributed in producing socio-economic thinking or democratic economy which is stated in government Nawacita program which becomes the driver of economic advancement. On the other hand, Gigih gave a presentation regarding how new and renewable energy in the future require support from the universities as one of the strategic partners of State-Owned Enterprises for preparing human resources in making a breakthrough, innovation, technology as well as preparing incubator for commercialization.
“The universities have to more diligent in conducting various studies regarding the development of new, renewable and energy conservation in Indonesia in order to encourage utilization as energy resources in the future,” said Gigih.
The seminar to commemorate Youth Pledge Day on 28 October was held to introduce the progress and contribution of State-Owned Enterprises for the national economy as well as share with the lecturers and students throughout Indonesia. For the students, it is expected to be a lesson learned regarding challenges and strategy for the development in the future.
“There will be many challenges from the economic transformation. I hope this event can be beneficial for our students,” said UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng.