Amidst the rampant debate on online transportation, Tranportation Minister, Budi Karya Sumadi, has reiterated that the government would maintain the existence of online transportation model.
“The government has no intention to eliminate online transportation. We will instead make them legitimate,” he said in the Emtek Goes to Campus event of Tuesday (31/10) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
On the debate, he emphasised the government would not want to support one type of transportation and deny the other, but to reach equality so both can run together in harmony under clear guidelines.
He commented the presence of online transportation was like the arrival of other changes that were brought by technology. Even so, he reiterated that the change had to go in stages and under control to give room to the conventional business to adapt.
“It’s a certainty, which we have to accommodate and resolve. But we should not let it happen all of a sudden. We need to regulate the system and think about those that are affected by this change,” he said.
He encouraged the conventional transportation operators to try to adjust themselves to technology so not to be at a loss. The Minister mentioned some conventional transportation had even started to develop their services so they can survive. He appreciated innovations he found in Yogyakarta where some conventional transportation operators had adopted digital technology to ease their clients.
“Some ways are taken to survive, those that want to change survive, those not wanting to change, perishing,” he said.
Minister Budi further recounted his office also had to make changes to be able to respond to the digital era. But this change had instead helped him carry out his duties as Minister. On example is how he had to coordinate works during the Eid which was made possible due to communication and latest technology. He did not deny that this thing had also put pressures on him due to the rapid spread of information. But he saw the pressures as something beneficial to drive the government to work better.
Therefore, the Minister asked the students to understand technology development better and its impacts to be able to help the government devise the right policy and find innovation to resolve emerging problems.
“So, I would like to ask for the support from the millenial generation because we need those that really understand the problem. Your input may become out points of consideration for policy making,” he said.
EMTEK Goes to Campus event is a collaboration between UGM and Emtek that has a number of media platforms such as SCTV, Indosiar,, etc. The event runs from 30 October-01 November 2017 with workshop and opportunities for students in Yogyakarta and surrounding to join Mobile Journalism & News Presenter competitions.