UGM Veterinary Medicine Students have won scientific paper and poster competitions during the National Veterinary Students Conference (Kimvetnas) 2017, held by Veterinary Science Community (ASC) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM on 28 October in the Faculty’s Auditorium. During the selection competition that last from 1 August – 28 October 2017, participants had to do several stages of selection on abstract, full paper and oral presentation in the scientific paper category, and poster selection and oral presentation in the poster category.
The first winner of scientific paper category were Abdurrahman Hanif and Iyas Muzani from UGM who wrote Control Strategy for Subclinical Mastitis. The runner-up were Nadiya Shiyamah and Fernanda Septy from Universitas Brawijaya with Biospray: Sulphur Extract and Binalong (Anredera cordifolia) Leaves Spray as Alternative to Scabies and Demodex in Animals. The third winner were Institut Pertanian Bogor’s students, Nur Wicaksono Putra, Samudera Budi Kusuma, and Indriani Putri Maryono with Growth Improvement of Garut Lamb by Natural Probiotics Based on Rumen Waste, Coconut Water, and Turmeric.
In the poster category, UGM students, Muhammad Ardiansyah, won the competition with a title of Antibacterial Activity of Ficus benjamina Extract as Solution to Methichilin Resistant Staphyloccocus aureus using Kirby-Bauer Diffusion. The second winner, Amanda Yonica Poetri Faradifa came from, again, Universitas Gadjah Mada with a title Bananys (Banana For Eyes), while the third winner was Dial Juliansyah from Universitas Brawijaya with a title Use of Singapore Cherry Leaves Extract (Muntingia calabura) as Natural Disinfectant to Increase Duck Egg Hatching.
Committee member, Riesna Martianasari, said the enthusiasm among students to join this competition was on the rise. It aimed at encouraging the students to be able to develop their capacities in innovation and new technology in veterinary and agrocomplex areas.
Riena added Kimvetnas event was to facilitate the students in honing their skills in research, creating new methods for resolving veterinary problems, and increasing interest in writing. “This takes account of the role of the students as the next generation that have to have critical thinking to make innovation and new technology to resolve problems facing the country,” she said
Dr. Med. Vet. drh. Penny Humaidah Hamid. M. Biotech, member of juries, said there were many topics of the papers that were interesting. “There is new knowledge and insight to share among the students. We hope they can develop their intelligent capacities further,” he said.