Digitalisation has touched all aspects of lives, also state economy due to the change in business models. In manufacture, digital technology has driven efficiency by the use of automated machines. Digital technology has also been utilised for energy saving, transportation and maintenance of infrastructure by digital based remote control. This topic was said by Efraim Mayer, Sales Specialist Factory Automation PT Siemens Indonesia, in the seminar themed Siemens Digitalisation Day at Faculty of Engineering UGM on Tuesday (7/11).
Efrain Mayer said digitalisation has driven digital technology in operating high automated machines. “In manufacture industry, we name it as industrial technology fourth generation that promises higher productivity, because all starting from design, operation, services and maintenance are all digitalised,” he said.
He explained software products for digital technology in manufacture had become the main focus of Siemens. There are already 800 thousand of softwares having been produced as control system of automated machines, especially for elecricity generator remote control, railway transportation services and energy use all around the world. “Our products can save up to 40 percent, even 60% of energy,” he said.
According to Mayer, in the future there would be a trend for using micro-generator at homes around the world so the owner can control energy use remotely,” he said. “By 2030, half of electricity generators will be decentralised, which poses challenges to national energy management,” he said.
Meanwhile, one of productions of Siemens Indonesia is high voltaged engineering product endeavour in Pulomas Jakarta that has run for 40 years. Another is steam and gas turbines, which have been exported around the world. “We have exported turbine products around the world, in February we exported turbines to Egypt for a 14.5 Megawatts project,” he said.
Faculty of Engineering’s Vice-Dean for Research, Community Service and Cooperation, Dr. Sugeng Sapto Surjono, welcomed the seminar initiated by Siemens Indonesia. According to Sugeng, the event gave information to students related to manfucture industry and digital technology development. It was expected to give new insight to the students.