Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada launches a health television channel named as InaHealth TV as a media to deliver and broadcast the health information towards the community.
“InaHealth TV is a milestone to realize an educational institution as an oasis that treats the thirst for information particularly the reliable health information,” said Dean of Faculty of Medicine UGM, Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., SpOG(K). During the launching of InaHealth TV at Auditorium of the faculty on Monday (13/11).
Ova said InaHealth TV becomes a channel that provides various essential health information which can be accessed by the community.
“The existence of this channel is expected to give many benefits for the community,” said Ova.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., during his speech which was read by Vice Rector of Research and Community Service, drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D. said currently the community is in the rapid development of technology and communication. The development of information and communication technology, particularly social media allows the release of inaccurate health information (hoax) that can cause anxiety in the community.
“The needs of accurate information in the community keeps increasing, including health information. Therefore, UGM focusses on this issue and encourages Faculty of Medicine to initiate a health television channel through InaHealth TV, thus it will give many benefits for the community,” said Panut.
Meanwhile, The Regent of Sleman Regency, Sri Purnomo delivers his appreciation towards InaHealth TV. It becomes an effort to educate the community regarding health sector.
“InaHealth TV is expected to educate the community by providing various accurate health information,” said Sri Purnomo.
In the occasion, Faculty of Medicine UGM also signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT. Sarana Media Vision. The cooperation is conducted on the development of health television channel to provide affordable and reliable health information.
InaHelath TV has been developed since April 2017. Its first broadcast was on the National Health Day which was November 12, 2017.
InaHealth TV does broadcasting through two ways which are through a television subscription and TV streaming system via youtube channel and Facebook live. In the near future, this channel will be developed, thus it can be accessed through digital television so that its range can be comprehensive for all people.