Currently, trust between individuals, elements, societal groups, class or institutions in Indonesia has reduced. One of the causes is digital revolution in Indonesia and the world.
According to Communications studies lecturer from UGM, I Gusti Ngurah Putra, M.A, one of the signs that digital revolution has taken place is use of information and communication technology through smartphones where people can easily acces the internet, memes and social media that contain information and disinformation.
“Disinformation may cause inconfidence. Therefore, we ask academics to discuss the trust issue in the digital era,” he said at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM on Tuesday (14/11), ahead of the international seminar on Social and Politics (ISSOCP) themed Trust Building in Digital Revolution.
Ngurah Putra said the International Seminar on Social and Politics was part of the 62nd anniversary of the Faculty. Other events are visits, donation, gathering, Kampoeng Digital, etc.
“Trust is an important element in the capital social so that the efforts to build trust amidst the digital revolution became important,” said the man who chaired the event committee.
Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, added the event’s theme was in line with the current national and global situation, trust issue has complicated situations, people no longer trust each other, even between national and global institutions.
“The impact is extraordinary. (This calls for the efforts) to re-build the trust that has changed from the one that is based on industry to digital society, when relational structures have changed drastically,” said Erwan.
ISSOCP Coordinator, Rahayu, M.A., M.M., Ph.D. Cand, said the seminar would present academics and practitioners, including Prof. Dr Praktikno, M.Soc., Sc (State Secretary), Dr. Stephen Leigh Miller (visiting professor at UGM) and Prof. Cherian George (Media Studies professor from Hong Kong Baptist University). Other presenters are Dr. Kuskridho Ambardi (Head of Communications Department), Armand Hartono (IT Director of PT. BCA) and Karaniya Dharmasaputra (co-founder, chairman of Bareksa.com, PT Bareksa Portal Investasi). The event will run from 23-24 November 2017 in University Club. ISSOCCP will be attended by 82 paper presenters from 12 cities in Indonesia and University of Monash, Australia.