Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM in collaboration with Agriculture and Food Agency of Kulon Progo regency held a goat and white cow contest in Pengasih, Kulon Progo on Thursday (23/11). This event was to celebrate the 66th anniversary of the regency along with the 48th anniversary of Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM. As many as 109 participants joined the event from across Yogyakarta, contesting 85 goats and 24 cows.
“Ettawa goats and slaughter cows are product of excellence from Yogyakarta. The potential needs to be supported and developed further by academicians, especially from Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM,” said Dyah Maharani, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., event committee chairperson.
Rani added the cattle contest was also to motivate the breeders in how to select superior cattle based on the physical condition of the cattle. Indirectly, the event socialiases the criteria for superior quality cattle. She explained these include at least 6 months of raising by breeders (shown by certificates), quantitative and qualitative requirement of cattle, cattle not impaired, and others.
“We hope the contest would select good goats and cows and generate investors for the market expansion of ettawa goat and cows,” she said.
Economic development expert staff for Kulon Progo regency, drh. Endang Purwaningrum, hoped the event would motivate the breeders in Yogyakarta, especially Kulon Progo, to develop the business further.