As many as 11 state-owned legal universities form a consolidation in the procurement of goods and services on Tuesday (28/11) at UGM main office.
The event was attended by 29 representatives from the eleven universities in Indonesia, including Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Bandung Institute of Technology, Surabaya Institute of Technology, North Sumatera University, Diponegoro University, Hasanudin University, Airlangga University, Padjajaran University, and Indonesia Educational University.
Vice Rector of Human Resources and Assets UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Agus Kironoto, said in a speech emphasizing the importance of regulation regarding asset management in a legal state university. This is required to prevent legal confusion in the future.
The regulation regarding university’s authority has been stated in Law Number 12 in 2012 regarding Higher Education, particularly Article Number 63 and 65 as well as the Governmental Regulation Number 4 in 2014 regarding Higher Education Implementation and University Management, particularly Article Number 22 and 26.
“There have been regulations from the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, however, those have yet to be in-line and in-sync. Thus, concerns arise in the management of 11 legal state universities that there might be a false procedure and other findings,” said Bambang.
Therefore, through the forum, Kironoto expected the formulation of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding goods/services procurement in the 11 legal state universities.
“We hope there will be an agreement regarding which things can be done and which ones to be avoided in order to be in line with other regulations. There is an integration of procurement in all legal state universities, including the procurement of e-journal, e-book, and other similar contracts,” he added.
On the occasion, UGM also shared its experience in goods/services procurement which was delivered by the Head of Center for Procurement and Logistics UGM, Arief Setiawan, B.N., Ph.D. The Center utilizes communication and information technology by developing various information systems that aim to encourage the process of goods/services procurement. Some of them are establishing an information system on procurement planning, information system on direct procurement, information system on monitoring and evaluation, as well as electronic procurement service.