Ahead of the commemoration of Djoeanda Declaration as the result of the struggle for Indonesian sovereignty, UGM will hold Maritime Congress from December 9 until 10, 2017.
This congress was first held in 2014 in the midst of national leadership shift as a form of UGM’s attention to the importance of the sea and – at the same time – sea abandonment in the national development as well as an effort to enhance Indonesian awareness to become a maritime-cultured nation for the national advancement. This year, the Congress raises Maritime Sovereignty for the Community’s Prosperity: Assisting the Implementation of Indonesian Marine Policy as its theme.
“The Maritime Congress has two goals, those are observing the national maritime condition and discussing issues that emerge in Yogyakarta,” said the Secretary of Board of Professors UGM, Prof. Drs. Koentjoro, MBSc., Ph.D., on Thursday (7/12) at UGM main office.
Nationally, according to Koentjoro, this Congress focused on the seven pillars in Indonesian Marine Policy which were ratified this year. These seven pillars include the management of marine resources and the development of human resources, management and institution in the sea, management of marine space and marine environmental protection, maritime culture, as well as maritime diplomacy.
Understanding various Indonesian marine and maritime challenges after the ratification of the Indonesian Marine Policy, UGM saw the need for a genuine effort to assist and ensure its implementation. Moreover, UGM saw the need for cross-disciplinary and cross-institution national efforts to be actively involved in realizing the Indonesian noble ideals to become the world’s maritime axis.
In addition, in the regional context, Koentjoro quoted the words of the Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, who says that the ‘door’ of Yogyakarta is facing the south, which means prioritizing the Indonesian Ocean and seeking maritime development for Yogyakarta. In the midst of this change, UGM’s role becomes important in preparing the community to have more awareness on the change and becoming the beneficiaries of the development.
“But it’s not just a matter of changing the direction but also changing the behavior and nature of the community. Therefore, we will invite the coastal community in the southern parts of Java to participate in this activity,” said Koentjoro.
The coastal community involvement, according to Koentjoro, becomes an effort of UGM to anticipate the conflict which is possible to happen in the midst of the big change.
“Preparing the community becomes our task for the future. The tremendous social change will become an issue if we do not prepare the community from now,” he added.
Another event hosted by the UGM Board of Professors is the launching of Indonesian Forum of Professors and a workshop on 16 December that will explore nationalism values. Opening of the event will be done by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, said Chairman of UGM Board of Professor, Prof . Dr. Ir. Putu Sudira, M Sc.