As many as 89 UGM best academicians were awarded in the Best Academicians Awarding Night 2017. The awards were given as a form of appreciation from UGM towards academic community and alumni who have made UGM proud, both at regional, national, and international levels.
The 89 UGM best academicians were divided into 8 categories. As many as 5 awards were given to the best alumni, 31 awards were given to UGM best students who had made achievements both at UGM, national, and international levels, 5 awards were given for publication sector, and 4 awards were given for research sector.
In addition, there were 8 awards for community service sector, 20 awards for best non-teaching staff, 4 awards for best non-teaching staff at the national level, 6 awards for best lecturers at UGM, and 1 award for best lecturer at national level, as well as 5 awards for cleanest canteen in 2017.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., delivered his appreciation towards the students, staff, lecturers, as well as alumni for their achievement. The awards were given to appreciate their effort that contribute to the national advancement.
“Congratulations, I hope these awards will enhance our spirit to make better achievements for the national advancement,” said Panut at Grha Sabha Pramana hall on Wednesday (13/12) during the Awarding Night to celebrate UGM 68th anniversary.
Panut was glad for the awards given to UGM academicians, alumni and facilities at UGM. Panut said there is no university in the world which can make progress without the support of its alumni. Meanwhile, clean canteens on campus have supported the students during their study.
“Currently, we still become the best university in Indonesia, we are in the 402nd position in the World Ranking and the 85th position in Asia. The experience shows those who have high GPA with a good study period fail in getting a job due to a health problem. Therefore, we hold clean canteen competition in order to prevent that issue from happening,” he added.
In the context of defending the nation as the theme of the 68th anniversary of UGM, Panut hopes Indonesia can win the global competition. In order to face technology disruption, each person is expected to prepare his/herself to face the global competition by enhancing the quality of human resources.
Dr. Harry Supriyono, S.H., M.Si., the Chairman of UGM 68th Anniversary Committee, said the awarding night is an annual event to celebrate UGM’s anniversary, organized by all units in the university.
“Therefore, we deliver our gratitude towards the Directorate of Human Resources, Directorate of Partnership, Alumni, and International Affairs, Publishing Agency, Directorate of Students Affairs, Directorate of Research, Directorate of Community Service, as well as Directorate of Assets who had organized this event. We hope these awards can enhance the spirit of all UGM community to make more achievements in the future,” said Harry.