There are more challenges facing archivists in Indonesia today and in the future, including the change to digital or electronic archives era.
Meeting this challenge, archivists need to manage related database, links between complex softwares and electronic office system, hypermedia document, and multi-layered geographic information system.
This was said by Dr. Mustari Irawan, M.P.A, Head of Indonesia Archives Office, in an international seminar at UC UGM, Friday(15/12). The international seminar to celebrate the 68th anniversary of UGM presented speakers, including Prof. Charles Jeurgens (Amsterdam University), Drs. Nico van Horn (KITLV) and Prof. Hidenori Watanave (Tokyo Metropolitan University).
According to Mustari Irawan, an electronic office would pose a unique challenge for archive management. The quality of archives is authenticity and contents that are static from time to time. “In other words, people have to be sure that archives are what they are,” he said.
Archives become unique and irreplaceable that pass on from generation to generation.
“Archives are sources of valid information that support administration which is accountable and transparent. Here, archives play an important role by safeguarding and helping the individual and collective memory,” he added.
In the seminar raising the theme Development of Archival Science and Archives Management in Indonesia, other speakers also shared their thoughts, including Drs. Djoko Utomo, M.A, Suprayitno, S.IP., M.Hum, Subandi Rianto, S.Hum, Kartika S.N.L.A.S., M.Hum, and Nuyaman, S.Ptk., also Raistiwar Pratama, S.S., M.A, and Dra. Titik Suliyati, MT, etc.