State Secretary, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc., Sc., installed Digital Library Mandiri-Fisipol UGM (Digilab) and Digital Café on Tuesday (19/12) at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). It was signed by cutting the ribbon ceremony done by the Minister, UGM Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Alumni, Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M., and Institutional Director of Mandiri Bank, Kartini Sally.
Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, said Digilib Fisipol and Digital Café was equipped with e-cafe, ATM, E-Banking, and banking education. Erwan Agus said several rooms were functioned as library services room, collection room, and online library. Others are used for convention halls.
“Digilib café is expected to be a co-working space so the students may learn and socialise here, while also learning to be entrepreneurs,” he said.
Kartini Sally said the construction of Digilib café was done with the support from the national cashless movement. Mandiri Bank wants to make digital transaction a lifestyle that offers convenience and comfort for young people.
“In the digital café all transactions are done non-cash using the Bank’s digital services,” she said.
Mandiri Bank along with subsidiaries ask to implement their commitment to advance education. Subsidiary PT. Mandiri Management Investasi (MMI) hands over sharing management fee to UGM a sum of IDR1.77 billion while Mandiri Sharia hands over Sociopreunership Program to 50 underpriviledged students worth IDR1.9 billion.
Minister Pratikno who is also UGM Chair of Board of Trustee said Digilib Café Fisipol was open for student’s creation and innovation. The working space can also be utilised for creating and innovating a joint project.
“This is a form of social mission and socioenterpreunership and Digilib invites young people to make creations here. We always try to give freedom and support to them,” he said.
Prior to the launch of the café, Indonesian President Joko Widodo had the chance to visit it after giving a public lecture at Ghra Sabha Pramana hall to celebrate the 68th anniversary of UGM. The President took some time to sample the coffee at Digilib and saw products from Creative Hub Ecosystem Fisipol UGM.