UGM students established a startup, Galanggo.org, in 2014 to raise online donation for humanitarian work. Running in philanthropy and volunteerism works under the UGM Directorate for Business Development and Incubation, it uses social media to raise funds.
“We mostly run in humanitarian work for natural disasters and social areas,” CEO of Galanggo.org, Muhamad Luqman Taufiq, said, on Monday (8/1) to reporters at UGM campus.
Luqman said the idea for the humanitarian crowd funding started from the time when they were in need of funds to help the treatment of a disabled person. “One of family members was disabled, then the movement changed direction to global humanitarian work,” he said.
Galanggo has developed a website that has two main features, Galang Dana (Fund Raising) and Galang Relawan (Volunteer Gathering). Through crowdfunding and crowdhelping, Galanggo is committed not just to being a fund raiser but also informing anyone interested in social works.
Luqman said their startup spread their work on social media. “We spread information on social media such as website, Instagram, and Line. All is on humanitarian acts,” he said.
He added until December 2017, Galanggo has raised Rp50 million in funds and 250 volunteers. So far they have facilitated the treatment of children having hydrochephalus, response to flooding in Garut, East Java, in December 2016, response to earthquake in Pidie, Aceh, in August 2017, and response to natural disaster in Gunungkidul along with Aliansi Berbagi Handayani, also in December 2017. Next, surveying the condition of post-landslides in Tinatar, Punung, Pacitan, East Java.
Early this year, Galanggo plans to assess collaboration with national alms agency, BAZNAS. “We plan to build homes in two villages impacted by disasters in Pacitan,” he said.
Director of PT Gama Inovasi Berdikari, Trias Mono, said Galanggo was one of startups generated in the Innovative Academy batch 1 in year 2014. “Gama Inovasi Berdikari is mandated to be incubator and accelerator of startups at UGM. There are 11 startups under Gama Inovasi Berdikari while 20 others are in incubation process. Galanggo is the only one that is not profit- oriented,” he said.