UGM Vice-Rector for Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr., installed 19 new members of UGM Student Regiment Unit in Balairung on Friday (26/1) by putting on a berret on the head of a member. The event was attended by alumni and parents.
The 19 new members have completed their training at Paskhas TNI AU Adisucipto, Yogyakarta, for a week. Djagal Wiseso Marseno said UGM needs the role Student Regiment Unit on campus because the campus always needs to be stabilised and dynamic.
“We hope the UGM student unit can improve their professionalism and competence both in science and student regiment related affairs,” he said.
UGM hoped the presence of Student Regiment Unit would make the campus more conducive for learning purposes as it is stipulated that the mandate of the UGM is to develop science, personality, and culture.
Thus, the unit was expected to cooperate with other institutions so as to improve their professionalism.
“For all the trainers and members of Student Regiment Unit whether at UGM, UNY, UPN, UIN, and UII, please increase your cooperation. Build unity and communication with other units. And to the parents, thank you for your willingness to release your children to join this Unit,” he said.