As many as 73 new structural officials atUGM were inaugurated by UGM Rector on Monday (29/1) at Senate Hall UGM.
Those officials consisted of the Head of Division, Head of Sub-Directorate, Manager of Work Unit and Head of Office at 20 faculties and schools.
“On behalf of UGM, congratulations for the new position. We hope all of you can make achievements and be correlated in each sector,” said UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng. in his speech.
Panut said officials have a big responsibility in giving their best for the development of their institution in the following years. In UGM context, their challenge is providing fresh graduates with competence which are relevant to the current job requirements.
“Currently, there are more challenges faced by the university due to the industrial revolution era. In order to fulfill the new job requirements, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education also gives the mandate to adjust the fresh graduates’ competences corresponding to the current demand,” said Panut.
Since 2016, according to Panut, UGM has been conducting curriculum reorientation by adding various competencies, including soft skills, international seminars, and so forth. However, the institution regarding digital field still becomes a homework which has yet to be finished and should be realized in the near future.
In order to fulfill those missions, Panut invites the new structural officials to quickly adapt to their new work environment as well as do their job and responsibility. The government expects UGM to become the agent of change.
“It is our challenge to adapt and adjust ourselves with the current condition around us. The government hopes the universities to not only become an educational institution but also an agent of innovation who produces young entrepreneurs and products which are able to increase the community’s economic condition,” he added.
Panut further said he hopes all components in UGM can cooperate in providing bigger benefits not only for UGM but also the nation.
“More than giving a contribution, UGM is expected to become the leader and reference in various sectors of the nation. Through a hard, synergized and harmonious work, we hope we can fulfill those missions,” said Panut.