Climate expert from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Dr. Emiliya Nurjani, M.Si. said strong wind is prone to happen in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
“There is low-pressure air in Yogyakarta which can cause strong wind,” said Emiliya on Tuesday (20/1) at Faculty of Geography UGM.
Emiliya said air moves from the high-pressure place to the low pressure one. When the air moves from Asia and the Indian Ocean toward Australia, several regions, including Yogyakarta, which are passed by the air flow have the possibilities to experience strong wind.
“The wind moves from high pressure to the low pressure which means the area that has high air temperature becomes the destination of the wind,” said Emiliya who is a lecturer of Environmental Geography.
City areas in Yogyakarta have the potential to be hit by strong wind because its temperature is higher than its surrounding. In addition, the area which has high concrete building density, settlement using zinc roofs, and railways are prone to the strong wind because there are many materials which are able to keep heat.
“If there are many buildings with no space around it, there will be many turbulences which cause strong wind,” she added.
In addition, an area with a small land cover is also prone to strong wind.
Meanwhile, in order to reduce the impacts of strong wind, Emiliya appealed the community to keep alerted during heavy rains and strong wind.
“Do not take shelter under the tree during heavy rains,” said Emiliya.
Moreover, Emiliya also emphasized the importance of maintenance of trees which are too dense and old. This aims to reduce the risk of falling trees during heavy rains.
“We have to cut down the trees which are too dense and old,” she added.
Emiliya further said education towards the community regarding disaster mitigation has to be implemented to reduce the risk of strong wind. Education is conducted towards the community, including children.
“Education regarding disaster mitigation is important to be provided for children since early, thus they are able to be more responsive toward disaster. For example, it can be done through the provision of curriculum regarding disaster risk reduction which is developed according to their age and needs,” she added.