Student Association of Graduate School UGM 2018 conducted hospitality visit to the leaders of UGM. Led by Zaidan Zikri Malem, S.Pd., Chairman of the students association, the visit was purposely held to introduce their new officials as well as conduct discussion and deliver the students’ aspiration toward the UGM’s leaders. The representatives of the student association were welcomed by UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., accompanied by Vice Rector for Education, Learning, and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr., as well as Head of Sub-directorate of Organization and Student Facilities, Dr. Sindung Tjahyadi, M.Hum. They were received on Monday (12/2) at UGM main office.
UGM Rector welcomed the student association and he hoped they will be able to contribute to the forum for the graduate school students to develop a contributive intellectual culture. According to Rector, they need to pay more attention to the development of science, including research activities which become a typical characteristic of graduate school.
“We hope the student association can enhance the research climate in Graduate School and transmit it to the undergraduate students as a shared mission,” said Rector.
Meanwhile, Prof. Djagal Wiseso hopes the Graduate School students are able to become the drive for conducting UGM’s missions as a world-class entity that is always locally rooted, globally respected. In addition, according to Djagal, it has become UGM’s responsibility to greatly contribute to the community.
“UGM will always support academic and students activities through various programs as well as cooperations in order to enhance UGM’s achievements and contribution at national and international levels,” said Djagal.
During this visit, Zaidan delivered several aspirations from Graduate School Students, including tuition fee and health insurance for the students.