Asymmetrical Grand Design has to affirm the patterns between the central and regional relations in the framework of Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
“Also in the election of regional leaders, flexibility has to be maintained to secure democratic value stipulated in the State Guidelines (UUD 1945),” said Constitutional Court judges, Prof. Dr. Saldi Isra, S.H., MPA., in a scientific speech to mark the 72nd anniversary of Faculty of Law UGM on Saturday (17/2) in UC UGM.
Saldi Isra said Indonesia was a country that adheres to the asymmetrical decentralisation to manage the central and regional relations. “UUD 1945 does not limit the contents and authorities of regions that are granted such status,” he said.
The UUD 1945 instead hands it over to the law, hence regions that are granted the special status would have different contents and models. This regulation proved the flexibility of asymmetrical decentralisation.
Meanwhile, Dean of Faculty of Law UGM, Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto, S.H., LL.M., in his Dean’s Report mentioned the achievements made by the Faculty in 2017. For example, several Iaw students have won 20 national level competitions, also Best Delegate award and winner of Council UNHRC Thammasat Model United Nations competition.