Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM has conducted a programme named as CREATIVE HUB (C-HUB). A kick-off was done for Talent Pitching project on Tuesday (20/2) in Digilib Cafe at the Faculty. State Secretary, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc, Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Si, and Chairperson of Film Artists 56, Marcella Zalianty attended the event.
C-HUB is a program that facilitates young sociopreneurs to make change and resolve social problems in society. The programme is implemented by guidance for final year students, fresh graduates, and winners of innovative competitions. C-HUB equips young sociopreneurs with entrepreneurship, sociopreneurship, innovation and technology as well as other supporting materials that are needed,
As many as 24 teams from 15 proposals on different project themes have been selected to do the C-HUB project.
Minister Pratikno that launched the talent pitching programme of C-Hub appreciated the project. “Now we’re entering the era when the smaller group can do disruption towards the bigger ones,” he said.
In his opinion, there are three keys to the industrial revolution 4.0., which are digitalisation, cognitive power, and data analytics. He said the combination of the three could synergise all previous networks and technology and turn it to a tremendous power for economic sharing. The Minister said this was the opportunity for the young people to be able to do a disruption, make a mess of the bigger groups.
Minister Pratikno added that now it was not the time for the young generation to accumulate assets but value. Many startups can be found that are minimum in asset but having greater value than businessmen that have more assets. He further called on the young generation not to waste the opportunity.
Meanwhile, Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Erwan Agus Purwanto, said C-HUB was a form of realisation of the Faculty to respond to the changes in digitalisation. He said the strength of the programme was on the curriculum and mentoring for the participants.
“We hope the programme can give room to be sociopreneur and entrepreneur that can be agent of problem solving and creating business opportunity,” Erwan said.