Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM collaborating with Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, and Dutch School, The Netherlands, held a training program for nurses entitled Oncology Nurses Training. The training focused on oncology for nurses which was conducted for two years. The training participants were trained by a trainer from the Netherlands. After passing various training stages in two years, as many as 30 nurses were inaugurated on Friday (23/2) at Learning and Training Center, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital.
The Person in Charge of the training, Dr. Christantie Effendy, S.Kp., M.Kes., said the 30 participants were selected and chosen from several institutions. Specifically, 12 nurses came from Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, 2 participants from Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM, 1 nurse from UGM Academic Hospital, and 15 nurses from Dr. Moewardi General Hospital.
Christantie said six learning modules for two years training were provided for the participants. The training was held once in three months with two weeks duration at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital and Moewardi General Hospital. The six modules consisted of Symptom Management, Head, Neck, and Gynecology Cancer, Pain Management, Surgery Oncology, Chemotherapy, and Radiology.
According to Christantie, this training gave positive impacts to the nurses. It increased their knowledge and skills in oncology.
Christantie hopes the participants will be able and have competence in treating cancer patients. Christantie further said with this competence, the nurses will be able to treat the patients. “The nurses are expected to be independent after earning the competence during the training and not only depend on the doctor in handling the patient,” said Christantie.
One of the trainers from Utrecht, Prof. Saskia C.C.M. Teunissen, RN OCN Ph.D., delivered her appreciation toward the training participants. She said the participants had high enthusiasm and spirit during the training. Saskia hopes the knowledge given during the training would be useful for the nurses in handling cancer patient.
“Through this training, the nurses are expected to spread their knowledge and information toward others, thus the knowledge regarding oncology nursing can be spread further,” said Saskia.