Cochrane Indonesia has been officially launched to increase publication and use of reliable medical information in Indonesia.
The respectable independent research organisation was launched on Monday 5 March 2017 during the 72nd anniversary of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM. It was marked with plaque signing by Dean of the Faculty, Prof.dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., SpOG(K)., Dean of Faculty of Medicine UI, Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD-KGEH, MMB., and CEO of Global Cochrane, Mark Wilson, witnessed by Rector of UGM, Prof.Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., Ph.D, and Director General of Science, Technology Resource and Higher Education, Prof. Ali Ghufron Mukti.
Director of Cochrane Indonesia, Dr. Detty Nurdiati,MPH., Ph.D., Sp.OG., said the launching of Cochrane Indonesia was a significant step in the development of national health training and research.
“Cochrane Indonesia presents medical science research that is based on evidence,” she told journalists in a press conference on Monday at the Faculty (5/3).
Detty said Cochrane Indonesia was a collaboration between UGM and UI that had last for eight years. Since 2004, Detty and team had tried to improve evidence based health role and impact in their daily practices. This has also been done through education, training and public policy making, especially related to the health of mother and child.
“We hope there would be more joint efforts in place to ensure evidence based health in Indonesia’s health research, service and policy,” said the UGM medical lecturer.
In her opinion, the need of evidence based health science was increasing, hence, with the presence of Cochrane Indonesia, the people would have the knowledge and experts on health information,
Head of Centre of Affiliation of Cochrane Indonesia, Prof. Siti Setiati, said the Cochrane’s information was used and trusted by experts, governments, policy makers, doctors, nurses and health professionals in the country and the world.
Cochrane did comprehensive reviews taken from research data across the world to analyse and spread health information for policy development and health services in Indonesia.
Cochrane Indonesia participates in Cochrane Global in London that brings together over 38 people from 130 nations. Cochrane Indonesia has UGM and UI based researchers, collaborating with Health Ministry to announce new policy and give training to paramedics in terms of evidence based health science applications.