Nurses are required to be able to adapt to challenges of the globalisation and digital era.
Nursing science lecturer in Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Ariani Arista Putri, S.Kep., Ns., MAN.DNP., said nurses had to be able to make a balance between technology developments. They are asked to adapt with their environs based on technology.
“Amidst the digital era, nurses ought to be information technology literate while prioritising patient safety. This competence also ought to be owned by other paramedics,” she said in her office at Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing on Friday(16/3) ahead of the National Nurse’s Day on 17 March.
Ariani said nurses had a great and important role to give services based on nursing standards as they spend the most time with the patient compared to other paramedics. Therefore, abilities to give good and safe nursing services to patients are much needed.
“Nurses are like homemakers who are 24 hours staying in the care room while doctors, nutritionists, etc just a spend a fraction of time beside the patients,” said the doctoral graduate from University of Illinois Hospital & Health Science System.
Ariani explained nurses were not just demanded to be provider of nursing treatment but also advocate for patients to help give information to the patient and family on the cares given to them. They also act as mediators that protect the rights of the patient for good services.
Ariani said the role of patients was not just to give quality nursing care but also counselling to deliver education to the patient related to public health prevention and promotion.
On the quality of Indonesian nurses, Ariani said domestic nurses were qualified like their counterparts in other Asian countries. But language is still a barrier if they want to work overseas.