Phalaenopsis sp. orchids are endangered species while the orchid has an important role for crossbreeding of orchid cultivation.
“The existence of Phalaenopsis in Indonesia has greatly reduced, so a conservation is important to do, said Dr. Mahfut, S.Si., M.Sc., disseminating his research at Faculty of Biology UGM on Tuesday (20/3).
Mahfut said Phalaenopsis sp. consisted of 63 types while 22 species exist in Indonesia. But in its natural habitat, the orchid is endangered and susceptible to virus infection.
“Reportedly, this orchid has been infected by 50 virus types and Ondotoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV) is the virus that largely infected phalaenopsis in Indonesia,” he said.
Viewing this, Mahfut said that conservation need to be done through preservation and protection. Preservation can be done by analysis of genetic variations through detection and characterisation of gen Coat Protein (CP) and rbcL. Protection can be done by resilience induction of Orchid Mycorrhiza toward ORSV.
Mahfut did research on gene genetic variation of rbcL and gene CP, and resilience induction of Phalaenopsis in Indonesia against ORSV with Orchid Mycorrhiza. In the research he used the leaves of Phalaenopsis sp. He collected them from 10 natural forests and parks in the country.
It was known that 6 samples were positively infected by ORSV. Analysis results of phylogenetic CP ORSV gene is known from isolate ORSV in Indonesia that are tested separately with isolate ORSV from other countries. Meanwhile, phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast rbcL gene showed the accession from Jayapura and Balikpapan have close familial correspondence.
“Both accessions experience not much mutation as other accetions, because both of them are original Phalaenopsis of the areas and not introduction results.” he said.