Conventional solutions are not able to resolve human problems, so smart solutions are required. Hence, intelligence became the tool to achieve happiness.
This was said by Prof. Suhono Harso Supangkat from ITB during the national seminar held at Faculty of Psychology UGM on Friday (23/3) in a presentation titled Smart City for Smart Generation. Suhono saw that smart city was the solution to resolve urban problems. A happy city is a city that creates happiness by engaging technology innovation to increase comfort and safety of the city inhabitants or visitors.
“The happiness of a town is a collective condition that can be lived through behavioural change together,” said Suhono.
Wiwin Hendriani, M.Si from Airlangga University in Resilience of Generation Z speech said those who were born after 1995 were the digital generation because they did not know life without the internet, computer, and smartphones. Dealing with lifestyle and social behaviour patterns that change very swiftly, it is important to build resilience in this generation through various strategies such as good rearing of children.
“Family as the main microsystem and environment for individual development contributes significantly to the achievement of resilience. Good rearing is the crucial bridge to raise the child resilience,” she said.
Among other speakers were Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M.A. from Universitas Gadjah Mada who discussed the topic on Social Relation of Generation Z, Urip Purwono, M.Sc., Ph.D. from Universitas Padjajaran on Current Research to Respond Change of Generations, Corina D. Riantoputra, Ph.D. from Universitas Indonesia on Study of Leadership and Challenges, Dr. Neila Ramdhani, M.Si., M.Ed. from Universitas Gadjah Mada on Generation Z in the world of work, and Donny Hendrawan, S.Psi., M.Psy., Ph.D from Universitas Indonesia on Brain and technology.
After the seminar there were open house and workshops, supported by PT. Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal, a subsidiary of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) II, PT. Komatsu Indonesia, Kompas, Nasmoco Mlati, and Bank Mandiri UGM branch.