Four UGM students have earned scholarships to take part in the International Summer Course (ISC) on Advanced Marine Biology. These students are Basith Kuncoro Adji (Biology), Anggun Cinditya Putri (Biology), Putri Eky Pratiwi (Fisheries Resource Management), and Surono Dwi Saputra (Biotechnology graduate student).
The four students will join the International Summer Course (ISC) from 13-17 July 2018 in Sugashima Marine Biological Laboratory (SMBL), Graduate School of Science, at Nagoya University, Japan. The scholarship from Nagoya University is a collaboration between Faculty of Biology UGM that has last for 4 years.
“This year as many as 43 students from 5 faculties and Graduate School at UGM have applied to compete for the ISC on Advanced Marine Biology scholarships. After a tight selection, four students were stated as qualifying for it,” said Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.Agr.Sc, Vice-Dean for Research and Community Service of the Faculty, on Monday (9/4).
Eko Agus Suyono said apart from document preparations and essays writing, there were also interviews for 12 of 43 participants. Juries were Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.Agr.Sc., Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc., and Dr.rer.nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho, M.Si from Faculty of Biology UGM.
“They are also interviewed on their ability to promote the Indonesian culture. Despite the many potential candidates, only four have been selected by Nagoya University this year,” said Eko. These students were then briefed by Vice-Deans and alumni of ISC on Advanced Marine Biology programme.
In the past 3 years, Nagoya University appreciated UGM delegates due to their dedication and passion. Professor Hitoshi Sawada even promised the UGM students to join the programme until year 2020.
Eko Agus Suyono added in the summer course, the UGM students would learn from experts in marine biology and molecular biology, later exploring biodiversity and learning taxonomy.
Under the guidance of Professor Hitoshi Sawada, Sugashima Marine Laboratory has concentration studies in developmental biology using animal models, such as Ascidian (Sea Squirt) and Echinodermata. The UGM students will learn new research techniques as well as sharing experience and culture with participants from other countries, including the US, Japan, Korea, and the UK.