Depression can be felt by anyone. Depression does not always relate to problems. Because depression is one of mental disorders that corresponds to interactions with various elements, such as structure of the brain, genetics, hormone, and external factors, such as parenting, experiences of bullying and toxic relationship whether with partners or colleagues.
“Obviously, nobody wants to get depressed,” said Regisda Machdy Fuadhy, S.Psi., M.Sc, psychologist alumnus of UGM and Co-Founder of a startup, Consulife, when becoming speaker in Pijar Psikologi Talks themed “23 Kacamata Depresi” run by Sinergi Cowork and Networking Space in Demangan Yogyakarta on Saturday (7/4).
Regis said depression was a complex phenomenon that is caused by many reasons. It could be influenced by weather and food as external factors. “Weather very much affects mood, for example winter blues happening in countries having winter,” she said.
Gloomy situation and lack of sunshines to extract Vitamin D may affect someone’s mood. Like weather, food also affects depression greatly. “Overcooked food that lacks of nutrition made probiotics in the intestines lacking substances to produce serotonin, the hormones that make us happy,” he said.
Therefore, Regis said, people with depression were suggested to observe what they eat and start to turn into a healthy life style.
The quick modern life with hundreds of stressors everyday also makes more people vulnerable to depression. Regis said that more people get depressed but the number that seeks help did not increase. “Many people fear the stigma that depressed people are people who are weak, unstable, or far from God. So, in the end they remain silent, not trying to find help,” he said.
Regis said depression also had fatal risks like other physical diseases. Therefore, those that experience depression shall consult with a psychologist. “It’s time we understand depression better. Know the symptoms so that we may help those near us that need it,” he said.