Garden Architecture Study Group (KSAT) from Faculty of Biology UGM organised a workshop for the people of Yogyakarta to make terraria on Saturday (14/4) in Taman Pintar, Yogyakarta.
“The workshop is an event which is annually organised to spread information to society, this time is on the making of terrarium,” said Chairman of the group, Jundi Faaris Alhazmi Ashshidiq.
The workshop ran in two sessions, first on the making of terrarium using the media of sand, rocks, sawdust, soil, and second on moss planting. The event invited speakers who were alumni of the Faculty, Sidiq Permana Putra, S.Si., M.Sc., and Chlarissa Bella Asy Syifa, collaborating with Endra A. Winata, owner of Taman Kecil garden.
Before the practice to make the terrarium, participants were informed about moss and its habitat as well as types of moss that can be used for terraria. They were further taught on how to keep the terrarium.
“The participants are given the chance to make a terrarium based on their creativity, guided by the event committee,” he said.
The workshop was responded positively by the people of Yogyakarta. At least 70 participants from various social and age groups joined the event that was organised by Faculty of Biology UGM and Taman Pintar Yogyakarta.