Banning parking in a road that has no ‘no parking’ sign is contradicting the law.
This was said by land transportation expert, Drs. Suripno, M.Str., in a monthly seminar at UGM’s Centre for Transportation and Logistics Studies (PUSTRAL) on Wednesday (19/4).
Suripno said parking could be done in any part of the road except there is regulation banning it under a bylaw and this is stated in the form of ‘no parking’ sign.
“Parking at the side of the road is the right of everyone because they have paid taxes to use the road, including for parking purposes,” said the lecturer from Transportation and Logistics Institute at Universitas Trisakti.
Law No 43 Year 1993 on Traffic Facilities Article 66 said that each of the part of the road can be used as a parking area if there is no ‘no parking’ sign or other markers or other areas.
Those are around zebra-crosses for pedestrians or cyclists, road bends, or over the bridge, near junctions or intersections, in front of entryway, areas where parking may block signs, near hydrants or else.
Therefore, banning parking which is not regulated by a bylaw and ‘no parking’ sign is an illegal act.
“For instance, the act done by the Jakarta local government that issued a parking ban, stipulated into a bylaw and installation of a ‘no parking’ sign,” he said.
Even so, the bylaw issuance, said Suripno, opposed a higher regulation, namely Law No. 22 Year 2009 on Traffic and Road Transportation. It says that ban instruction, warning, or guidance have to be stated into signs or others. This means that the public may park on the part of the road as long as there is no ‘no parking’ sign.