UGM’s Student Associations of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics have hosted a national seminar themed Sustainable Energy, Optimisation of Diversity of Sustainable Energy Potential in Indonesia on Saturday (21/4) in Grha Sabha Pramana.
The Seminar was part of the series of events of Engineering Physics f.or Environmental Innovation (EPSILON) 2018. Attending the event were experts, including Dr. Ir. Tumiran, M.Eng (member of National Energy Board), Nizhar Marizi, S.T. M.Si, Ph.D. (Head of Energy Development and Conservation of Bappenas), Ahmad Agus Setiawan, Ph.D. (engineering lecturer from UGM), and M. Yudho Budi Satria (coordinator of Koalisi Pemuda Hijau Indonesia Yogyakarta).
Tumiran explained the factors that affect the growing energy demand, such as economic and population growth. Tumiran mentioned that industrial growth and change of lifestyles also contributed to the factor of current energy growing demands,
He further highlighted the potential of nuclear energy. He said that nuclear energy required high occupational safety standard and security, as well as attention to radiation effects. So, nuclear energy is considered to be the last resort. Studies, however, have been conducted to review nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
“If urgent, basically nuclear energy can be used to meet the increasing energy demands,” said Tumiran.
Meanwhile, Ahmad Agus Setiawan discussed sustainable energy. In his opinion, sustainable energy had to be accessible, cleaner, and more efficient. At the same time, Indonesia has a variety of renewable energy from geothermal, wind, solar, and sea energy, etc.
“Indonesia has to be able to utilise the potential of existing renewable energy for the need of society,” said Agus.