Strategies to strengthen the management of research institutions should be carried out by universities as an educational institution that is involved in research activities.
It was stated in the 2nd National Forum of Indonesian Research Institute Management: Leadership and Strengthening Management of Research Institutes at Universities, held on Thursday (5/3) at Auditorium of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., conveyed that the management of research institutes at universities needs improvement. It is because most of the universities do not have good management of research institutions, particularly in terms of the quantity and quality of human resources.
Furthermore, the provision of research facilities and funding is also one of the concerns. Rather than being dependent to the government, universities are expected to independently find solutions to these problems. For example, by establishing cooperation with partners.
“Hopefully, Indonesia will preserve its spirit in conducting research, because it will advance the research of the nation and contribute in the making of national products, especially medicine,” said the Rector.
Meanwhile, on that occasion, Director of Research and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc., explained that the innovation produced by Indonesian researchers from both national and private research institutions has yet to show significant improvement from the last three years. In that period of time, there were only 31 innovations having been made.
“This innovation becomes our challenge. For approximately, 58% of Indonesia’s innovation market is ruled by foreigners from America, Japan and China,” he added.
This condition is a common problem in developing countries, including Indonesia. Technology is declining because many research products from universities do not make it to the business world.
“This situation occurs because, traditionally, universities are not encouraged for commercialization.”
The Rector added, the integration of Higher Education Directorate General into Research, Technology, and Higher Education Ministry is a step to bring together the supply and demand in innovation and technology. At the moment, the government continues to support the research of national and private research institutions.
Main researcher of Health Ministry’s R&D, Dr. Dede Anwar Musadad, explained that the R&D unit has an important role in the national health system. Unfortunately, health research and development in Indonesia are still fragmented.
Moreover, they are also considered as not contributing enough to national and regional policy. As a result, research activities are not efficient and the utilization of research results is not optimal.
In order to improve the research results, he continued, they continued to build networks, develop the unit, and build policy. The networking also involves universities, Health Polytechnics, and research institutions. In addition, development of consortium research is carried out involving academicians from universities, private sectors, and government. Lastly, forming a working group and research group seminars involving various sectors, including universities. (Public Relations UGM/Astrid)