Prof. Adi Utarini and friends will give a charity concert in the Driyarkara Auditorium of Universitas Sanata Dharma on Saturday (5/5), involving 150 performers. Profits from the concert will be donated to the construction of rooms for cancer beneficiaries who stay in a transit home while doing treatment in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital in Yogyakarta.
“All the performers are not paid. All profits will go to charities, namely Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (YKI) for the construction of home for patients of cancer,” said the Medical lecturer at Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM to reporters during the launching of her autobiography on Thursday (3/5) in Grha Joglo Alumni at the Faculty.
Adi Utarini who also initiated the concert said the 1,000 tickets had been sold out. The reason behind the idea was personal because she herself is the wife of a husband that is fighting against cancer.
“The closest person who is my husband in 2014 had been diagnosed with leukimia, but his condition is very good currently. That’s why we have direct involvement with the fight against cancer,” she said.
Having a member of family with cancer, Utarini said she knew very well the journey of the whole family in supporting and motivating each other. Their families will experience a journey not easy to take. This had triggered me to do charities for cancer,” said the researcher who is involved in communicable diseases research.
The home for the cancer patients, she said, had 14 rooms with 10 for adults and 4 for children.
“YKI has a plot of land next to it so they plan to build 32 more rooms,” she said.
Producer of the concert, Prof. Laksono Trisnantoro, appreciated Adi Utarini and friends that had done philanthropy. “There is the spirit for charity. Until now as much as 300 million of ticket sales will be donated to YKI,” he said.
Laksono said the concert was also to celebrate Adi Utarini’s life that has spent 28 years as educator. He said Adi Utarini was also adept at playing the piano. “She can always ask staff, students and lecturers to sing and play the music to uplift the academic life,” he concluded.