Problems in national research still pose a homework for the government. Research is still seen as a bureaucratic and administrative matter while it is actually not.
“Until now an open competition system has yet to emerge for researchers,” said Director General of Research Enhancement in Research, Technology, and Higher Education Ministry, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Dimyati, M.Sc., in a discussion on research strategy to improve public health in the UGM multimedia room on Monday (7/5).
According to Muh Dimyati, this was caused by the lack of understanding among policy makers or bureaucrats and the reward and punishment system that has yet to prevail in Indonesian research climate. Another reason is the immature link and match between higher learning/R&D and industry as well as the weak cross-disciplines synergy.
Dimyati saw the low level of research in Indonesia was due to the lack of regulations to support research funding, or just 0.25 percent per GDP.
“Most of the research funding were from government, which is 84 percent, the rest, 16 percent is from private sector. This showed the involvement of private sector is still very low,” he said.
The discussion was conducted by the Ministry in cooperation with UGM and Kalbe Farmapharmaceutical company to launch the Ristekdikti Kalbe Science Award (RKSA) 2018.
UGM Vice-Rector for Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr., said the Ristekdikti Kalbe Science Award 2018 is a forum to gather creative and innovative ideas. As a research university, UGM also pays great attention to research events to encourage students and lecturers develop research.
Djagal said UGM research policy has now focused on the development of cross-discipline research and education to be able to produce a comprehensive finding needed by society.
“Research has to trigger innovations in science and technology that will be useful to the state and humanity based on cultural wisdom. And this had been shown by UGM’s first Rector, Prof. Dr. Sardjito, that innovated the drug called as Calcusol,” he said.
Sie Djohan, Director of Corporate Business Development of PT. Kalbe Farma, added the Ristekdikti Kalbe Science Award was initiated by the Ministry and Kalbe Farma since 2008, conducted every two years.
“We do this to support the government programme to re-arrange the research programme stated in the National Research Master Plan, focusing on food, health, and energy,” he said
“This year a panel of juries will assess various research to select the best. Kalbe Farma will explore this further for commercialisation,” he said.
The theme of the event this year is Innovation for Better Life. There are three categories to be competed, namely pharma, biopharma, and stem cell for the first category; e-health, health equipment, and diagnostic for category 2, and health food and drinks and natural products for category 3. A total of 1.5 billion rupiah will be granted to 3-5 proposals that are selected.
Socialisation and pre-proposal start on 3 May 2018 – 8 July 2018. Applicants need to go to RKSA website at www.kalbe-rksa.com and fill in personal form, pre-proposal, and endorsement documents.