National Work Competence Standard (SKKNI) and National Qualification Networks (KKNI) are the systematics of human resource qualification levelling in Indonesia to be more competitive at the local, regional, and international scopes. Qualification significance in the form of certification has come to the limelight in recent times.
Bearing in mind that human resource competition does not only happen at the national but also Asean, Asia Pacific, and world levels, one of the areas that is being developed is Geospatial Information. In Indonesia it was the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) and National Accreditation Committee that have initiated the Geospatial Information Area.
For that matter, Faculty of Geography UGM cooperating with BIG has recently socialised the National Work Competence Standard and National Qualification Networks on Geospatial Information for graduate and undergraduate students of UGM. There were also lecturers and partners attending the event.
Dr. Suprajaka, M.T, Head of Centre for Geospatial Information Standardisation and Institution, said currently BIG was developing human resource system in Geospatial Information through certification system in order to prepare competent and competitive human resource.
“Actually, the system is already running, but it has yet to receive improvements. So, this event is much needed to collect suggestions from you all to make the National Work Competence Standard better,” said Suprajaka at Faculty of Geography UGM on Tuesday (15/5).
Suprajaka hoped the socialisation would not just be done among academics, but also the industry that uses Geospatial Information products. The results are expected to improve the system and the competence standard so that Indonesian human resource will be more competitive at the world level.
Dean of Faculty of Geography UGM, Prof. Dr. Muh Aris Marfai, S.Si., M.Sc., said the Geospatial Information certification framework had to undergo feasibility tests for all to understand, whether the academics or industry, so that a comprehensive output can be achieved.