Celebrating the birth of state ideology, Pancasila, on 1 June, a concert was given at Pancasila square UGM. This was organised by Centre for Pancasila Studies of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekber Keistimewaan DIY, Gelora Bahana Patria, KAGAMA, IKA UII and Pramuka Kwarda DIY. The peace concert named as #PancasilaRumahKita was made lively by popular rock bands in the country, Slank, as well as choirs and dances by Gelora Bahana Patria and Sanggar Gita Gilang. There were also remarks delivered by Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Muslim leader, Prof. Dr. A. Syafii Maarif, and Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M. Eng., D. Eng.
The Rector in his remarks said that Indonesia is a big country that has strong historical roots. He said Pancasila is our home, needing to understood and sustained, He added with the working together spirit, the people of Indonesia ought to be supporting each other to resolve common problems.
Panut expected the people to be ready to sacrifice their individual interests for the nation. Working together is the spirit of Indonesia in remembering the birth of Pancasila.
“Pancasila is the right ideology for a pluralistic Indonesia. Pancasila as the unifier of the nation needs to be sustained by us to become the unifying tool for the sustainability and glory of Indonesia,” said Panut.
Meanwhile, Syafii Maarif said the economic system of Indonesia at present has yet to embody the spirit of Pancasila. He asked the government to sort this thing out.
“Pancasila, particularly principle 5 on social justice, needs to the fought for. Related to the Constitution articles on economy, it is not yet achieved. So, we need to keep fighting for it,” Syafii Maarif reaffirmed.