Amidst the trend of supplements drinks, Selow Funcisa arrives on the market. This herbal supplement drink is an alternative choice of drinks to maintain good health.
Selow Funcisa is made from raw honey mixed with apple vinegar and the extract. This drink also contains various herbs, such as garlic (Allium sativum), lemon, red ginger, and cinnamon.
It is produced by five Pharmacy students at UGM, including Muhammad Sulhan Hadi, Muthrah Rasyidah, Rifka Ulul Ilma, Windri Meiladisa Pinyalai, and Yurananda Magnalia Putri. They produced this drink as a treatment for people with cardiovascular diseases and stroke due to high cholesterol.
“We present this safe herbal drink. It can be used to prevent and control diseases linked to cholesterol,” said Rifka at Pharmacy UGM, Wednesday (7/4).
Rifka explained the ingredients of Selow Funcisa supplement bring many benefits for health, such as reducing the LDL or bad cholesterol levels. A disease caused by the high cholesterol level in blood is Hypercholesterolemia.
“High cholesterol level in blood, especially LDL, can cause the risk of buildup fats in the arteries of the brain, which is called as stroke and cardiovascular disease.”
Selow Funcisa drink made by the UGM students who are mentored by Dr. Andayana Puspitasari Gani, M.Si., Apt., has an advantage in terms of flavor compared to other supplement drinks. This drink has a sweet flavor from raw honey as the main ingredient.
Therefore, people should not hesitate to buy and consume the product. The supplement drink is recommended specifically for people with high cholesterol levels in the blood and for preventing cholesterol diseases.
“Take a spoonful per day. You can simply drink it or add it to water, fruit juices, and date fruit extract.”
A bottle of 200 ml Selow Funcisa is available for Rp50,000. The drink can be purchased online through the Line account @vsj0368m. Further information on the product can be found on the Instagram account @selow_funcisa.